Core Game Concept

Title: silly moon adventure  (working title)

Genre: action-adventure, RPG with platformer elements

Target age: 16+

Game narrative :  (working narrative lol)

as Retro was putting the finishing touches on the code for their game, they accidentally spilled a 20 oz. Gatorade bottle on their computer and the code went haywire, traveled through the city's power lines, and started hacking into the US government. once the code got to the most advanced supercomputer in area 51, it blared out a loud signal as a huge laser beam shot directly at the moon. after that, a 7-day  countdown began to tick, the moon was going to be blown up in 7 days. martial law had been enacted and people have gone mad.  retro, distraught by this news, knew they had to do something, so now it's time to go on an adventure and meet wacky characters along the way! 

Game summary:

silly moon adventure is a quirky adventure RPG based on the Mario & Luigi/Paper Mario RPGs that takes place in a panicked world that is about to end in a week. meet various different characters to join you in battle and battle strategically to make your way to the white house so you can prevent this travesty from happening. the pressure is on so try to keep your teammates from losing their minds in this apocalyptic hellscape. it's you and your friends against the world! well actually against the moon... well i guess it's more like you against the laser that's fired at the moon? whatever you get it.

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